The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Applicant Tracking Systems: Jobseeker Edition

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have revolutionized the hiring landscape. Designed to streamline the recruitment process for employers, these systems scan, sort, and rank job applications based on specific criteria.

However, for job seekers, ATS can be a mix of blessings and curses. Let’s break down the good, the bad, and the downright ugly aspects of ATS from a jobseeker’s perspective.

The Good of Applicant Tracking Systems

From a bird’s-eye view, ATS has certain advantages for jobseekers.

Efficient Feedback Loop

  • Timely Updates: ATS can automatically notify applicants about the status of their application, ensuring candidates aren’t left in the dark.
  • Transparent Process: Some systems allow applicants to view where they stand in the hiring process, offering a level of transparency.

Reduction of Human Bias

  • Objective Evaluation: ATS evaluates applications based on predefined criteria, which can reduce human biases in the initial screening stages.
  • Equal Opportunity: Every resume gets scanned, ensuring all applicants get a fair shot, irrespective of when they applied.

Organized Application Process

  • Streamlined Submission: Many ATS platforms offer easy upload features, resume builders, or integration with platforms like LinkedIn, making the application process smoother.
  • Centralized Communication: ATS often centralizes all communication, meaning all interview schedules, feedback, and updates are in one place.

The Bad of Applicant Tracking Systems

While ATS can be beneficial, they aren’t without their drawbacks.

Over-reliance on Keywords

  • Missed Opportunities: A well-qualified candidate might be overlooked simply because their resume lacks specific keywords.
  • Forced Adaptation: Job seekers often feel the need to keyword-stuff their resumes, which can lead to inauthentic representations.

Lack of Personal Touch

  • Impersonal Rejections: A rejection from an automated system can feel cold and demotivating, lacking the human touch that can make such news more palatable.
  • One-size-fits-all: Customized and unique application materials might be overlooked or misinterpreted by an ATS.

The Ugly of Applicant Tracking Systems

Beyond the good and bad, there are some aspects of ATS that can be downright frustrating for jobseekers.

Formatting Nightmares

  • Limited Designs: Creative resumes with unique layouts or designs might not be ATS-friendly, forcing applicants into more traditional formats.
  • Lost in Translation: Some ATS systems can jumble the content of a resume, especially if it contains complex formatting or graphics.

Tech Glitches

  • Submission Issues: Sometimes, an ATS might fail to upload a resume correctly, or a minor tech glitch could mean an application doesn’t get submitted at all.
  • Misinterpretation: ATS might sometimes flag a resume as a poor match due to a technical error, even if the applicant is well-suited for the job.

How to Navigate the ATS Landscape Successfully

Given the pervasive nature of ATS in the current job market, understanding how to maximize your chances of success is pivotal. Here are actionable insights for job seekers.

Understanding the System

  • Research the ATS: Not all ATS are created equal. Before applying, if possible, determine which ATS the company uses and adjust your application materials accordingly.
  • Seek Feedback: If you’re consistently facing rejections, seek feedback. Some professionals or career counselors offer services to evaluate how ATS-friendly your resume is.

Tailoring Your Resume

  • Keyword Optimization: While you shouldn’t resort to mindless keyword stuffing, it’s essential to ensure that your resume includes keywords from the job description. This increases the chances of your resume passing through the ATS filters.
  • Simplicity is Key: Keep your resume format simple and avoid columns, headers, footers, or text boxes, as these can confuse some ATS systems.


  • Bypassing the System: Sometimes, the most effective way to get your resume in front of human eyes is through networking. Personal connections can lead to direct referrals, allowing you to bypass or at least enhance your chances within the ATS process.
  • Engage on LinkedIn: Regularly updating and engaging on platforms like LinkedIn can lead to organic connections that could provide insights or even opportunities outside the traditional application route.

Potential Future of ATS

The world of ATS isn’t static. As technology evolves, so will these systems. Future ATS platforms may utilize artificial intelligence to understand the context, rather than relying solely on keywords. They may also integrate better with platforms like LinkedIn, or offer video-based application options to capture a candidate’s personality.


The Applicant Tracking Systems, while designed to ease the recruitment process, come with their set of challenges for jobseekers. By understanding these systems’ intricacies, tailoring applications, and harnessing the power of networking, job seekers can increase their chances of success in the ATS-dominated landscape.

After ensuring your content is perfectly tailored to ATS, it’s crucial to present it with the right design aesthetics. To make your achievements stand out with the perfect blend of design and functionality, check out our premium templates here.