How to Research the Company and the Interviewer Prior to Your Job Interview

Walking into a job interview prepared can make all the difference. Understanding the company’s culture, history, and current operations equips you to answer questions intelligently and ask meaningful questions in return. But, your preparation should go beyond just the company. You should also research your interviewer to understand their position within the company and possibly their interviewing style. This article will guide you on how to effectively research a company and your interviewer before the job interview.

Understanding the Company

1. Visit the Company’s Website

The company’s website is often the best place to start. Look for information about their mission, vision, and values. Understand what products or services they offer and who their customers are. Read the ‘About Us’ section for insights into the company’s history and leadership.

2. Read Recent News and Press Releases

Find the company’s press room or news section on their website. Also, run a Google News search to find recent articles about the company. Look for information about product launches, company partnerships, financial news, and any other significant developments.

3. Examine the Company’s Social Media Presence

Social media channels offer valuable insights into a company’s culture and how they interact with their customers and the public. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can reveal information about upcoming events, recent achievements, and even employee activities.

4. Review the Company’s Financial Performance

For publicly traded companies, review sites like Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR system. Here, you’ll find details about the company’s financial health, including their revenue, net income, and stock performance.

5. Understand the Industry

Research the industry, including current trends, challenges, and competitors. Websites like Statista, industry-specific forums, or even Google Trends can provide valuable information.

Researching the Interviewer

6. Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a valuable tool for researching your interviewer. Check their current role, previous jobs, and their tenure at the company. Their career path might provide insights into what they value in potential employees.

7. Look for Other Online Presence

Search the interviewer’s name online to find their other social media profiles or any articles or blogs they’ve written. Be respectful of their privacy but use publicly available information to understand their professional interests and style better.

8. Find Common Ground

Look for areas of commonality, like shared connections, alma maters, or even hobbies. These can serve as ice-breakers or talking points during the interview.

9. Learn Their Professional Communication Style

If you can find videos or podcasts featuring your interviewer, these can be great ways to understand their communication style, interests, and expectations.

Successful entrepreneur and manager, Sarah White, says, “I’ve always been impressed when candidates show they’ve done their homework. It shows commitment, enthusiasm, and a genuine interest in the job.”

Decoding the Company Culture

10. Examine Employee Reviews

Websites like Glassdoor and Indeed provide anonymous employee reviews. Although these should be taken with a grain of salt, they can offer insights into the company culture, benefits, management style, and more.

11. Check Out the Company’s Blog

If the company maintains a blog, you can often gain insights into their areas of focus, values, and thought leadership. It can also provide valuable conversation points during your interview.

12. Look for Information About the Company’s Clients or Customers

Understanding who the company’s products or services are designed for can provide valuable context for your interview. This might include reading case studies on the company’s website or customer reviews.

Deeper Insights into Your Interviewer

13. Utilize Twitter

Twitter can be a valuable resource for understanding your interviewer’s interests, concerns, and viewpoints. Their tweets and retweets can give you a snapshot of what they value professionally and personally.

14. Understand Their Position in the Company

Knowing your interviewer’s role in the company can give you insights into the perspective they’ll bring to the interview. For instance, an HR manager might focus more on company culture and team fit, whereas a department manager might want to understand your technical skills and experience in depth.

15. Respect Boundaries

While it’s beneficial to research your interviewer, it’s important to respect boundaries. Use the information you find to prepare for your interview, but avoid bringing up personal details that may make your interviewer uncomfortable.

Leverage Your Network

16. Reach Out to Current or Former Employees

If you know someone who works or has worked at the company, they can provide first-hand insight into the company culture and interviewing process. Even if you don’t know anyone directly, you may find connections through platforms like LinkedIn.

Mock Interview Practice

17. Use Your Research to Practice

Once you’ve done your research, use this information to practice for the interview. Create a list of potential questions based on what you’ve learned about the company and the interviewer. Practice your responses to these questions, focusing on how your skills and experience make you a great fit for the role and the company culture.


Researching the company and the interviewer can be a game-changer for your job interview preparation. It helps you to understand the company’s needs, align your skills and experience with these needs, and anticipate the interviewer’s expectations. Always remember, thorough preparation is a significant step towards a successful job interview.

As you prepare for the interview, remember that your resume and cover letter are essential tools that showcase your skills, experience, and attention to detail. Ensure they look as professional as you are. Visit Innova Resume Shop to discover a wide range of professionally designed resume and cover letter templates that will help you make a lasting impression.